Rest: Summer’s Resolution

I like the month of June because I finally have time to think about new year’s resolutions.  I can’t deal with them at the end of December when I am recovering from the Christmas frenzy.  The months that follow feel like I am running just ahead of falling dominos.  But now that summer is officially here, my year sprawls out in front of me like a beach towel on the sand.  (Okay, half a beach towel.)

I am feeling so optimistic, I bought a new calendar. It was no easy feat, since apparently most stores quit selling them by the time Cupid starts shooting arrows through month-old resolutions to get its candy on the shelves.

The search for a calendar was frustrating.  I finally found one at an office supply store and was quite annoyed that it wasn’t on sale.  It seems like if it takes you half a year to get around to buying a calendar, maybe retailers would offer a sympathy discount.

The calendar I liked had a section at the top of each day where I could prioritize three things.  I figured I could be like Elizabeth Gilbert and write, eat, pray, love.  It seemed to make her successful, and if nothing else would be easy enough to accomplish. The calendar had some black, smudgy marks on the cover, and it was the last of its kind.  I asked if it was on sale and was told, no.  I shared my horror about the smudgy marks, the almost six months that have passed without any proper scheduling, and my close-to-a-mental-breakdown condition from having to search three stores to find a calendar.  The sales clerk looked at me like he was very, very tired and took five bucks off.

I decided I was tired, too.

May is just as exhausting as December, but without the hope of new year’s resolutions to make us more organized, fit, happier, and healthier.  So maybe now is a good time to reflect on what remains of the year without the unmarked pages of new calendars, organizational systems, or rigorous regimens to distract us from what most of us really need, rest.

We are a tired people.  Achievers, doers, planners, and goal-seekers, and there’s a place for all that on our calendars.  But have we any place to rest?  While I seek to be who God created me to be, I can’t do that if I am constantly in motion.  If I am a swirl of activity, I can’t be certain I am going in the right direction.

Coming out of the most ceremonial month of the year, and into the summer which never lasts more than the blink of a firefly, I am not filled with the hope of new year’s resolution, but of a respite to regroup, reflect, and rest in the blessings of my life.  That’s never wasted time, even if it doesn’t make it to the top of our to-do lists.

So maybe I will add something else to that part of my daily calendar where I outline the day’s priorities.  Rest.  It’s probably not among the top ten resolutions people make at the start of the year, but it will free up some time to replace busyness with blessings.


Miss last week’s post? It was about rest too.  I am starting to think maybe someone needs a vacation!  Is anyone else exhausted from the mayhem of May?!

10 thoughts on “Rest: Summer’s Resolution

  • June 6, 2018 at 1:16 pm

    Yes! I am so excited to rest and recharge! So much goes undone during the busy month of May! As I wake up this morning I am excited by the fact that today there is nothing on my calendar!

    • June 7, 2018 at 5:23 pm

      That’s the best thing in the world – an empty calendar!

  • June 5, 2018 at 10:19 pm

    Resting requires us to let go of all of our burdens, the ones we carry every single day without reprieve. How silly of us to think that we can’t just put them down once in awhile and rest, but, when you get used to carrying it, it doesn’t seem possible. I pray for the trust to rest in God, to lay my head on his lap and allow him to carry it all for just a tiny bit, which He is so willing to do, for Momma Mary to throw her mantle over me and mine and just let me rest, without guilt and without burden. I’m so ready. Thanks for the gentle reminder sweet friend!

    • June 6, 2018 at 12:13 pm

      You are so right resting does require us to let go, to surrender, to give it up to God and as someone who has tried I know how hard this can be. I know getting there will be worth it. I believe that but sometimes I just don’t know the way so I just pray for it and that makes me feel better. I hope you get the rest you seek. I hope we all do. I think we would have so much more joy to share if we did.

  • June 5, 2018 at 3:40 pm

    This is so wise… And I know I sometimes feel lazy when I allow rest. It’s not lazy – it’s necessary! Thank you for writing this…. Happy Summer!

    • June 6, 2018 at 12:08 pm

      Trust me, I know what you mean about feeling lazy when we rest but I think that’s just evidence of us being caught up in the productivity scene hawked by society. It’s probably just like everything else that is good for us – we need to make it part of our routine, a habit. Easier said than done but it would be so worth it!

  • June 5, 2018 at 3:03 pm

    We treat rest as if it were a disease to be avoided. I find it so interesting how often Jesus withdrew to a place or rest after activity or ministry or healing others. This is a great reminder that rest “ranks” with God.

    • June 5, 2018 at 3:11 pm

      Amen! Love “This is a great reminder that rest ranks with God.” I think sadness is something else we treat as a disease to be avoided but that’s a discussion for another day!

  • June 5, 2018 at 2:32 pm

    Yes, i agree and will try to make that more a priority.

    • June 5, 2018 at 3:09 pm

      It’s funny that something so enjoyable is so hard to do!

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